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Religion as Art, Guadalupe, Orishas, and Sufi:


"This anthology represents an experiment," comments editor and UCLA musicologist Steve Loza in his introduction and acknowledgements. Those involved in the project hope the collection of essays "will serve as a source of information, perspective, and philosophical insight, and encourage ... scholars and artists to persist in this mode of hope, faith, and love.” In his article Loza notes "assessing the arts from a unified approach, instead of the separate disciplinary modes of music, dance, visual art, theater, and so on, enables us to comprehend the unity of the arts and artists as a basic catalyst through time and space.” He then comments that Pierre Teilhard de Chardin perceived no separation of the physical and metaphysical process. The anthology begins with the article by Rev. Francisco Miranda Godinez, professor at the Colegio de Michoacan, Zamora, Mexico, who quotes from the beautiful Nican Mopohua which described the experiences of now Saint Juan Diego, and ends with the article by international economic law professor and associate dean for academic affairs at the Chapman University School of Law, Orange, California who commented that Abraham Lincoln's "view of democracy was based on mystical ideas of equality and freedom," and Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal was based in large measure on mystical values and beliefs. Roosevelt called for a new world order based on "four essential human freedoms, and in doing so completed his mystical redefinition of liberty by balancing the concept of liberty with social justice.” His final footnote is a quote from Barack Obama's acceptance speech, August 28, 2008. The essays examine the arts and their relationship to religious belief in three cultural areas of the world. Tim Canova was a Democratic candidate for Congress in South Florida but lost in the August 30, 2016 primary.

[ASIN:0826345700 Religion as Art: Guadalupe, Orishas, and Sufi at UNM Press]

Religion as Art: Guadalupe, Orishas, and Sufi at Amazon.com


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